Our Expertise



As required by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in UAE, if required we will provide services in registration for VAT, filling periodical VAT returns, claim VAT refund, provide detail as and when required by FTA, keep updated client records at FTA on a timely basis, and if required we also do VAT De-registration with FTA.

Financial consultants in UAE


We help clients mainly manufacturer or importers, dealing with excisable goods to register with FTA. We calculate actual duty as per the category of the goods and advice the client the duty payable. Then we do filing of periodical returns with FTA and pay the duty. We guide clients in maintaining required records. Provide information to FTA as and when required.


In partner with associates in different countries, we provide value added services like Income Tax, Corporate Tax, GST and other taxation services to our multinational clients depending upon their reporting and tax residency countries.

Audit And Assurance


Audit and assurance services are independent and professional in nature. These are the systematic review and inspection of the Entity’s accounts and controls. Since business owners, investors are busy with their core operating activities the overall performance, internal controls, state of affairs are not checked and verified from time to time. This is where Audit and Assurance plays a vital role in providing stakeholders with reasonable assurance on the affairs of the business. The audit is to provide the opinion on the Financial Statements prepared by the clients under IFRS and is to ensure that information provided is of required quality and is acceptable worldwide. We follow International Standards on Auditing (ISA) to make our audit is acceptable worldwide.

We provide risk assessment as part of our auditing services which helps our clients to ensure that controls are operating as expected, we identify any control weaknesses and suggest appropriate rectification;

Our qualified and experienced professionals carry out periodical and continuous internal audit and provide necessary guidance to client in assessment of various risks associated with their business and organization as a whole.

Our Expertise

Our Expertise



Economic Substance Regulation


Country by Country Reporting


Ultimate Beneficial Owner


Anti-Money Laundering Counter-Fin-Terrorism

Corporate Finance

Fund Raising Debt, Equity, Mixed

Optimum capital structure keeps the cost of the capital low for the business and keep the fund available to business at all time. A proper mixed of debt and equity as required by the business keep this cost minimum. We help clients in raising equity or debt if they need.

Working Capital Funding

We help clients to have sufficient working capital available to run the business, so that there shall be no opportunity loss. We do so by arranging financing from bank through various facilities or through third party funding solutions. Always try to keep the cost of funding at possible low.

Merger & Acquisition and Financial & Operational Restructuring

In order to increase the business efficiency by bringing synergy, client comes with ideas of merger and acquisition or we suggest them so. We provide both buy side and sell side strategic advisory services. Understanding their requirements, we provide advice on a full range of transactions including mergers, acquisitions, sales, leveraged buyouts, spin- offs, divestitures and other possible financial and operational restructuring.

Business And Management Consulting

Outsourcing Services

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